Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Costumes: Sexy vs Scandalous

Halloween Costumes: Sexy vs. Scandalous
It’s that time of year again…Halloween!  Perhaps Lindsay Lohan said it best in Mean Girls: “Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it”.  You just have to visit your local Halloween shop to see what she was talking about…most of the costumes for women are butt cheek-skimming short, skin tight and made of cheap, highly-flammable shiny material.  But whether a grown woman wants to squeeze herself into such an outfit is her prerogative.  One of the glorious things about being a woman is having a good, strong head on your shoulders with an amazing body below that.  Well Halloween isn’t about flaunting what’s going on above the shoulders!  As a formal chubber, I fully embrace women using Halloween as the opportunity to show off the body they’ve worked hard to achieve/maintain and to so justly torture a few men in the process.   However, there are some unfortunate lost souls out there that while picking out that sexy costume just do not know when to say when.  Sometimes less is more and sometimes less is just less.  This entry is in no way an attempt to serve as an actual guide for Halloween costumes to my readers. I think most would find these a bit ridiculous.  But we’ve all seen that girl that took her Rainbow Brite costume from sexy to slutty.  I’ve created a short list of some common costumes showing when Sexy becomes Scandalous.  So sit back, grab some candy corn and have a few laughs.  I imagine my male followers will enjoy this either way!
Howell You Shop?
Erica Howell
Nurse: Look like you can cure a disease…not give one!

Police:  The difference between having it on lock down vs. being locked up. 

Ref: Call that sack…not get called easy in the sack. 


Super Hero: Leave his Spidey senses tingling!

Minnie Mouse: Welcome to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse…not Whorehouse.

Gangster: Make an offer he can’t refuse.  

Golfer: Forgot your set of woods?  I bet he’ll let you borrow his!

Oh and if you’re wondering…this girl will be a very cute Minnie Mouse this Halloween!  Next year I’ve got my eye on the golfer costume!
Here are a few more of my top picks!!

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