Tuesday, August 7, 2012

10 Fashion Trends (for Men & Women) I Just Don't Get

It would be quite easy to title this blog “Horrible Fashion Trends” but that’s just one girl’s opinion in the wide world of fashion.  And that’s what I love about fashion…the diversity.  It’s what I love about my own style…I can go from one day of kicking it in a classic fitted tee & jeans to the next rocking it 50s style in a pencil skirt and heels...and it’s all me.  It’s my style and it doesn’t have to fit into one neat category or even have to make sense to anyone else.  It’s my own.  So perhaps some of these fashions are your own.  If so, I encourage you to share why you “get” these styles.  I’d also really love to hear of any other fashion trends that you just don’t get!  It’s all in good fun and meant for some good laughs!

Howell You Shop?

Ø  Skinny Jeans on Guys: Rock & roll has brought us many amazing fashions (leather jackets, distressed jeans, etc.) but skinny jeans on dudes is not one of them.  Please guys…leave the showing off of the curves to us ladies!

Ø  Boxy, Shapeless Shirts on Girls: This is one the super skinny girls of the world especially have to explain to me.  Why oh why if you have an amazing figure would you want to hide it under a tent?  Are all women that don these shirts shoplifters and stowing their nabbed goods underneath? Do they receive so much attention from the opposite sex that they’ve been forced to resort to repelling them with shapeless attire? Someone please explain this one!

Ø  Ponchos…on anyone…at any time: These are never ok under any circumstance on any figure.   I’m not sure any further elaboration is even necessary.  J

Ø  High-waisted anything: Ok so perhaps using the infamous picture of Jessica Simpson is leaning toward the hideous extreme of this trend.  But c’mon…since when did hiking your pants up under your girls become attractive?  I don’t even want to get into the harm that front wedgie could be causing.

Ø  Harem pants: Somewhere someone had a serious problem with adult incontinence and thought “I wish there was a pair of pants that would leave room for my gigantic load”. And the harem pants were born.  We all loved MC Hammer in the 90s but those pants needed to stay with his career…in the 90s.   

Ø  Rompers:  These are adorable…on small children.  But we’re adults now and we’ve all been taught how to put on a separate shirt and shorts.  I find the strapless version of this fashion trend particular perplexing. 

Ø  Crocs on Adults: Another fashion trend that is cute…on children.  Aren’t children supposed to take fashion cues from adults and not the other way around?  Unless you’re fresh from tending to your garden, please step out of the crocs.  This is one I feel very strongly men should avoid…even if you are a gardener. 

Ø  Leggings as Pants: As my friend, Leigh Anne, so eloquently put it: Leggings.Are.Not.Pants.  The world has been blinded with enough indentation of the female buttocks and thighs.  Isn’t the point of pants to cover up?  Leggings are basically the equivalent of dipping your naked body in paint.  They cover nothing. 

Ø  Grandpa Sweaters: We all love Grandpa.  So why wouldn’t we want to be wrapped in a giant sweater that reminds us of him?  Because it’s oversized, pilled & shapeless.  If you want to convey to the world “Hey…I’ve given up in life and it was all I could do to dress myself this morning” then by all means sport this sloppy trend. 

Ø  Uggs with Shorts: So let me get this straight.  It’s so hot outside you need to wear a light tee and short shorts but there’s also a good chance a horrendous blizzard could come through and so you must protect your feet with thick, furry boots?  Gotcha.  ;)

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